Torpid Slivers is a weekly animated fiction feature by Colin Raff at Queen Mob’s Tea House.
Torpid Slivers is a weekly animated fiction feature by Colin Raff at Queen Mob’s Tea House.
The large and intricately furrowed tongue caresses the mouth-plates of the upper jaw, extracting the desired nourishment from the thread-like fringes.
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Creadores Universitarios: Mexican television arts program featuring Colin Raff
Art and music by Colin Raff. Get animated stickers at
This sequence of photocopied collage-art pieces began as a single reproduced image, posted anonymously in 1979 at divers locations not limited to Pomona, Budapest, and Düsseldorf.
Instinctively Dodging a Sharp Tool Made for Pleasure (
The salamander rose, positioned itself on its back legs, and gesticulated in an ordered fashion, at times synchronizing with the shadow’s movements.
The Walter/Folkard Anomaly appears on the 76th page of two known copies of Mother Goose’s Nursery Rhymes (1919)
Assorted nuggets, either recent or uncurated (until now).
For best results, downvote at room temperature.
From an exhibition by Colin Raff
the apparent source of certain vague idioms
An Exhibition by Colin Raff November 23, 2016
A chime would sound and a slot opened, allowing us access to the room